1. United nations environment programme is (unep) vision for sustainable production and consumption in asia
Niclas Svenningsen

2. Application of life cycle assessment to cleaner production
Shabbir H. Gheewala

3. Cleaner production big impact from simple measures a case study in the desiccated coconut industry of sri lanka
G Senanayake, B. Premarathne, R. Tha

4. Cleaner production in the plastic industry of ho chi minh city, vietnam
Nguyen Le Truong, S. Kumar

5. Development of a clean fluidized bed reactor for food-grade co2 production
Rahmat Sotudeh-Ghareh, Jamal Chaouki

6. Green productivity in asia and the pacific region
Mandar Parasnis

7. Promoting cleaner production through local government philippine clean cities center (ccc) project
Elisea Gozun, Burton Hamner, Anthony SF Chiu

8. Recent initiatives and innovations to promote and foster cleaner production an australian perspective
Robert J. Pagan

9. Sustainable growth through green productivity a case of edible oil industry in india
A.K. Saxena, K.D. Bhardwaj, KK Sinha