The convective motion of two incompressible viscous fluids that are different in thermal conductivities, viscosities and
densities with heat transfer aspects in a rotating inclined channel, in which the pressure gradient is kept constant, is studied. The
two phases are occupied by two different homogeneous isotropic porous materials having different permeabilities. The flow is
steady, laminar and fully developed. Due to the inclusion of buoyancy forces, viscous and Darcy dissipation terms, the governing
equations are non-linear and coupled. The regular Perturbation Method is used to obtain their solutions. The effects of the
governing parameters such as rotation parameter, porous parameter, angle of inclination, Grashof number, ratio of heights, the
ratio of viscosities and the ratio of thermal conductivities on the fluid flow are discussed in detail. It is observed that an increase
in the Coriolis force incorporated through rotation parameter reduces the temperature and primary velocity of the flow.
two-layered flow, inclined channel, porous medium, rotating system, heat transfer
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at :
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