Forty-three cucumber ̏Cucumis sativus L.̋ cultivars were tested against two spotted spider mite ̏Tetranychus urticae
Koch̋ and strawberry spider mite ̏Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov & Nikolskii ̋. The experiment was implemented in a randomized
complete block design with 43 treatments (cucumber cultivars) and check treatments in greenhouse conditions between
2015 and 2016. The results showed that the highest numbers of eggs laid per female per day by the T. urticae and T. turkestani
were 8.98 and 9.23, respectively, which were recorded on the Taha cultivar. The lowest numbers of eggs laid per female per day
were 2.23 and 2.21 by the T. urticae and T. turkestani, on the Samer star and Danitu cultivars, respectively. The highest visual
damage ratings were recorded on the Taha cultivar (5.75 for T. urticae and 5.78 for T. turkestani) and the lowest damage ratings
of 2.49 and 4.25 were recorded on the Samer star and Storm cultivars for T. urticae and T. turkestani, respectively. Based on our
findings, Taha cultivar was found to be a susceptible cultivar and Samer star cultivar proved to be a resistant one. These two
cultivars could be used as differential hosts in further studies.
cucumber, damage rating, resistance, spider mites
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at :
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