This study investigated the influence of proximal radius fracture pattern on the biomechanical performance of locking
compression plate (LCP) using the finite element method. Two transverse neck fracture levels and one oblique proximal radius
fracture, stabilized with stainless steel and titanium implants, were included in this study. The models of proximal radius and
LCP implant set were created and virtually aligned using CAD. Four-node tetrahedral elements were used in the FE model.
Articular contact pressures at the 0º, 45º, and 90º flexion angle of humeroradial ulna joint were applied to articular surface of the
proximal radius. High stress concentrations were found between the proximal screws holes and around the combined holes of
LCP. Elastic strain at fracture gap stabilized with implant did not significantly differ between stainless steel and titanium
implants. The stainless steel implant may present higher stresses than the titanium implant, especially with a fracture close to the
articular surface.
proximal radius fracture, biomechanical study, plate and screw fixation
Published by : Prince of Songkla University Contributions welcome at :
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